Linggo, Setyembre 22, 2013

English Week

   Last September 13, 2013, our class was invited in the Mini Theater to watch a speech for celebrating the English Week. The topic was "how important nowadays is right grammar especially now with our advanced technologies". Honestly when I entered the mini theater ,I felt so nervous even if I am not the contestant,because of their clear and wonderful explanation that makes me think that, can I do that same thing like them? can I deliver my speech organize like them?. That was the questions running in my mind . All contest was good;but for me last student delivered the speech well. She was so simple that time;and I doubt that she will be boring to watch.I thought that her speech will be long.But I am wrong,She was so confident.I am amazed with her,on how she speaks and how she delivered the speech well.I am inspired to her. I want to learn more to be like her.

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