Linggo, Setyembre 22, 2013


  “I don't know how you say good-bye to whom and what you love. I don't know a painless way to do it, I don't know the words to capture a heart so full and a longing so intense.” Farewell is the word that describe good bye. For me it is not necessarily good bye to the subject;but It is the continuous step by step learning.
In the begging of the semester,I thought English subject will be hard and boring for me;because I am not to good in English subject.I can say that I have the moderate ability, and I need to improve it;even if I am one of the lazy student who does every I want. But time comes, I am forced to study;because of my professor. I am inspired to him,especially to his life and his goals that he reached already.He taught us well.He make sure that his students learned from him;and I am one of them.I learned how to give importance to my studies,friend and families that will inspire us to pursue our goals. I will miss the way he teach,the funny jokes and his inspiring words to us. It is my pleasure so say Thank you very much Sr. Mabu for sharing your powerful knowledge and your inspiring life to us. Surely I will miss everything in our class, my friends,classmates and your words for us :) I can say that “We learned something from everyone who passes through our lives. Some lessons are painful, some are painless.. but, all are priceless.”

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