Linggo, Setyembre 1, 2013

Banning and Transferring of vehicles to the new terminal by MMDA

   A newly-opened terminal for provincial buses disallowed from entering Metro Manila has reduced the number of illegal buses in the city. The establishment of integrated terminals is meant to get rid of “colorum” and “out-of-line” vehicles since it comes equipped with biometric technology that disallows unauthorized drivers from plying their routes. It is a new beginning for the bus operators, workers and for the students;and the inconvenience of the new terminal that brings another burden for the commuters.Instead of  relaxing and continuous travel, It became messy and uncomfortable.It is also one of the reason of being late; because there is no system.I hope MMDA will have a better understanding of the inconvenience this new terminal/set-up brings.Commuters, after a long day of class and other engagements. We deserve a decent opportunity to rest even on travel period.But I will be satisfied  if MMDA will introduce a system of commuting to have a fast and convenience travel for the students especially in the morning ; so we can easily go to school early.I know it is done with a good reason. I should have patience and more understanding about this;so I will not be disappointed regarding this issue.

5 komento:

  1. You're right! They must think first if this plan would be better for the people or commuters who travel from Manila to their destination. :)

  2. yes, because until now the petition about this was still pending and it affects the commuters a lot.

  3. your`e indeed right !! It cause a hassle time for our fellow commuters specially the students like us.

  4. yes , but I tink is okay for me already
