Sabado, Agosto 3, 2013

 Closed and Open Question

  Last time we discuss about "Closed and Open Question". First we define what is Closed and Open Question. Closed Question  as Sr. Mabuan said it  can be answered with either a single word or a short phrase. It also answered with either 'yes' or 'no'. This kind of conversation is not approriate;because, It stop the conversation easily .The conversation will be boring if you continue talking and answering Yes or No.Second we tackled Open Question.Open Question is likely to receive a long answer:It is an opposite of Closed Question.It is much better to use.It makes the conversation alive;because,of 'wh' Question such as what,where,when,who and why.We should also know how to keep the conversation on going by following the seven ways. First, give a little more information than is asked for, Second , make a related comment, Third, repeat key words, Fourth , react in some creative way or they call it rejoinders, Fifth,add comments, Sixth, ask a related questions and the Last ,use question tags.After the discussion:We prepared for the oral quiz to test if we really understand the lesson well; by presenting a short conversation in the class.I am really glad that I understand the lesson, and as proof we got 100% with my partner.To sum it up, Open Question is much better to use than Close Question . I am very thankful that I learned the lessons well. I know it will help me to engage in a good conversation especially in my future job.

2 komento:

  1. You deserved to have a 100% grade in an open and closed conversation, because it is a simple and you used an appropriate words to continue the flow of conversation. the oral quiz may helped us to improved our English language which can engaged us in a good conversation with others. :)
