Biyernes, Hunyo 28, 2013

Introduction :)
   Hello readers, have a nice day! I am Angeliean B. Punzalan ,I was born on June 19,1997 and  I am 16 years old already,I am from Barangay Tolentino East, Tagaytay City, I am the eldest daughter of Mrs. Anabel Punzalan who is a very loving, caring and the best cook ever and my father  Mr. Alberto Punzalan who is a very jolly and sweet father to me .I am a type of  person who is very conservative and conscious of what is happening on my surroundings .I am also a jolly and noisy person who is fun to be with, so WELCOME to my world.

     During my elementary days,My parents sent me to  Father Michael Donoher Memorial School , one of the catholic schools in Cavite . I was an honor student there since I entered  the school "Kinder to Grade 6 " because I was really active and my mom was always their support and to push me to study hard , I graduated with honors and awards and they are so happy that I did it . The second chapter of my life begins when I entered high school in Infant Jesus Academy of Silang Inc. . The happiest & wildness chapter of my life where God  tested my weakness and strength as a person because there's a lot of problems I encountered that affect my attitudes and my relationship with my family and that  was the time when I met God, I put him in the center of my life  that helped me to become a good person again . We all know that people can change, now I know what is right from wrong and then  another journey begins . I am a TOURISM student of Lyceum of the Philippines. I take tourism as my course because I want to travel the world. I am also inspired by my cousins who take the same course and they are now successful. As a start of my journey as a college student I am getting more serious about my study so I can achieve my goals. I want to be a successful flight attendant someday and I am willing to do every thing just to reach it even if there's a lot of challenges will come. I will do my very best to achieve it that's why I am studying well.

      Life has many challenges, all we need to do is to be strong  and to face it , no matter what happen always SMILE and put GOD in the center of our life.  “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” ― Robert Frost

10 komento:

  1. Hi angeliean! You're mistakes do not define who you are or who you will be. Always remember that life is about setting impossible goals and going for them anyways. Your beautiful so keep your head up and Live on.

  2. HI angelian! hold your breath ^ dont breath until you are done with your dreams, haha. always pray and just think positive. nothing is impossible when you are in lords presence. just study hard. and your dreams will come true.

  3. Always dream high Angelian :) pursue your dreams girl :) you are so jolly person.

  4. Dream and dream :) and always be in god. Nice blog. Awesome :)))))))))

  5. There's nothing better than achieving your goals, whatever they might be. Then go, achieve your goals!
