Lunes, Agosto 26, 2013

Typhoon Maring

 Truly,typhoon Maring was one of the devastating typhoons in our Cavite province has encountered with.But those from Tanza, Noveleta, Cavite City and Geneneral Trias were affected more which led to two casualties and hundreds of homeless.Underlying in this unfortunate incident, is more serious problem on flood control and disaster management. Like bamboo, although bent and swayed caviteneos never succomb. purposely this event ignited camaraderie and selfless acts for those who generously extended help. Strengthen caviteneos came as one. Beneath this catastrophe is a striking lesson that environment has to be taken care at a maximum level. Indeed typhoon Maring is a wake up call for everyone of our responsibilities both to mature and human.

Biyernes, Agosto 23, 2013

Making Inferences, Predictions and Assumption

 The last time topic was Making Inferences, Predictions and Assumption plus the Types and Methods of Communication. Inference is the act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true. The conclusion drawn is also called an idiomatic. Inference can be defined in another way. Inference is the non-logical, but rational, means, through observation of patterns of facts, to indirectly see new meanings and contexts for understanding. Next was Prediction. It is a statement about the way things will happen in the future, often but not always based on experience or knowledge. Next was Assumption. It is a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn; hypothesis that is taken for granted. Last The Types and Methods of Communication .

For a conversation to flow, The sender should use the methods of communication to continue talking and the receiver should answer well to have a wonderful conversation; so the conversation will not be boring and end up easily; by knowing the inference, prediction and assumption will help the conversation work and understand easily by explaining what is right, true or wrong. To sum it up , I learned the difference of the three and when we will use it correctly ;and It is also one way to deeper the conversation with the sender and receiver.
 Communication and  Types & Methods

 of Communication
    Last meeting tackled  about the What is Communication and  Types & Methods of Communication  . Communicationis “any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that person's needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states.Communication requires a sender, a message, and a recipient, although the receiver doesn't have to be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space . 
Communication is divided into Three parts :
* Words (7%),
*Style (38%) 
*Body Language (55%).
 The Types and Methods of Communication are Conversation, Gesture, Written, Visual and Multimedia.
 For a conversation to flow, The sender should use the methods of communication to continue talking and the receiver should answer well to have a wonderful conversation; so the conversation will not  be boring and end up easily.To sum it up , I learned different skills on how a conversation will work.We should apply it for us to have a good conversation with our friends, teachers, family and to others.

Sabado, Agosto 10, 2013

 Recognizing Facts vs. Opinions

  Last tuesday, August 05,2013 we discuss about  "Recognizing Facts vs. Opinions" .First we tackled about FACTS ;and honestly I am confussed with it. What is Facts? Facts  is a statement that can be proven by direct experience or objective verification.  Examples of reliable sources for a fact are history book, measurements, statistics, proven scientific law, governmental law and observation.It can be checked for accuracy. If proven true,it is a fact; if it is untrue,it is an error. Observation is also a fact because they are proven by senses,but facts can also change overtime. After that we tackled Opinions. Opinions are not really recognized or proven. It is only base on personal expression or thoughts . Opinions can be Valid, Faulty or Informed and there are FIVE types of opinions:

  •  Hypothesis statement- an assumption made in an attempt to explain an observation.
  • Theory statement-an explanation for a group of observation.
  • Assumptive statement- an opinion that has an improbable prediction. 
  •  Value statement- describes as any claim that is based on someone’s beliefs.
  •  Exaggerated statement- one embellishes the facts, often to sway the reader. Maybe, perhaps, worst/best, experts agree, successful, necessary, apparently and probably are words that may warn a person that they are being given an opinion and not a fact.
      After the discussion we had a quiz. I got a passing grade;and I am still confused in identifying what  Facts and Opinion ;because some opinions are like facts but it is consider as opinions. I know soon  that I will improve my knowledge about this, and it will help us a lot to determine what is real and what is an expressions only; to avoid misunderstandings and gossips.

Sabado, Agosto 3, 2013

 Closed and Open Question

  Last time we discuss about "Closed and Open Question". First we define what is Closed and Open Question. Closed Question  as Sr. Mabuan said it  can be answered with either a single word or a short phrase. It also answered with either 'yes' or 'no'. This kind of conversation is not approriate;because, It stop the conversation easily .The conversation will be boring if you continue talking and answering Yes or No.Second we tackled Open Question.Open Question is likely to receive a long answer:It is an opposite of Closed Question.It is much better to use.It makes the conversation alive;because,of 'wh' Question such as what,where,when,who and why.We should also know how to keep the conversation on going by following the seven ways. First, give a little more information than is asked for, Second , make a related comment, Third, repeat key words, Fourth , react in some creative way or they call it rejoinders, Fifth,add comments, Sixth, ask a related questions and the Last ,use question tags.After the discussion:We prepared for the oral quiz to test if we really understand the lesson well; by presenting a short conversation in the class.I am really glad that I understand the lesson, and as proof we got 100% with my partner.To sum it up, Open Question is much better to use than Close Question . I am very thankful that I learned the lessons well. I know it will help me to engage in a good conversation especially in my future job.